Search Maps:

The quality and accuracy of the map that you generate will depend entirely on the quality of data provided. Please ensure that the spread sheet that you will be uploading meets each of these criteria listed below.
Please verify and check the box, it will eliminate a lot of unnecessary work later on.Please note that the location plots on the map are based on latitude & longitude coordinates.
These are most accurate when you are able to provide them. The lat-long coordinates can be easily ascertained from the Google Maps. In the absence of providing lat-long coordinates, this software will use Google Maps built-in feature to determine it based on the information provided such as the locality/village, district/county, state/province & country.

(Kindly read the rules below and check all the checkboxes to proceed)  

  • The spread sheet is in Microsoft .xls format.
  • There are no unnecessary spaces in the cells.
  • No two headers have identical description.
  • There are no merged cells.
  • All the date fields are in (yyyy-mm-dd) date formats.
  • If the lat-long coordinates are not given, the location information. i.e. locality/village, district/county, state/province & country are each in a separate column

Easily convert data into maps that can be shared online.
AuroMap takes data from an excel sheet and plots it onto a map in a few easy steps. All you need to do is make sure that the excel sheet contains location data - either city and state or latitude and longitude. For example, you can create a map showing all the eye hospitals in India by uploading an excel sheet with the hospitals addresses.

Use AuroMap for geographic representation of your data.
Geographic representation of data can help in better interpretation and decision making, especially when there are concerns around coverage or market opportunities.

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Aravind Eye Care network

This map shows the locations of the Aravind Eye Hospitals and Clinics

Created by - Surya Views:2280

Aravind Vision Centres Map

This map shows the location of the Aravind Vision Centres

Created by - Laico Views:2278

Created by - Surya Views:2277

LAICO's Priorities in Eye Care Delivery (2002 - 2023)

This map shows of the LAICO's Priorities in Eye Care Delivery Course participants

Created by - Surya Views:2275

Management Priorities in Eye Care Delivery for Heads of Eye Hospitals

This map shows the Participants location of the Heads Course

Created by - Laico Views:2274
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